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Fatal Mistake for Democrats


A poster with the inscription ‘Justice for George’ and ‘Antifa on the offensive’ is held by a protestor during a demonstration under the motto “Youth Day – Fight for your future”. George Floyd died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on Memorial Day May 25. (Peter Endig/dpa via AP)

George Floyd’s death was unnecessary. It should never have happened, even  if he were a dangerous criminal resisting arrest (apparently he was neither). His death became the excuse for demonstrations. The fatal mistake occurred when legal demonstrations were turned into riots.

Why This is a Fatal Mistake

In this polarized world, politics drives everything. The Democrat Party, desperate for traction, will do anything to win the upcoming election. (Well, anything except policies and programs that might attract voters.) Fixated on the fact that Trump beat Hillary, which they just know was not possible,  they have done no legislating (perhaps a good thing) and proposed no new policies (ditto). Since the election, their focus has been on removing Trump from office any way possible.

Let’s review some of the known attempts:

  • The prior administration committed acts that could be construed as treason. Involvement both before and after Trump was elected was unprecedented. First, they attempted to influence an election by infiltrating his campaign. When that didn’t work, they attempted to remove him from office via false allegations and illegalities. These included the appointment of a special counsel whose hand-picked staff and investigation attempted to find and/or manufacture illegalities that could nullify an election.
  • When none of this worked, the Democrats impeached the president on virtually no evidence. The impeachment was a joke, in terms of content and the lack of bi-partisanship.
  • Then came the coronavirus which provided another opportunity to get rid of the president.  ( I referred to this effort as”Impeachment 2.0” ). That is not to say that the virus was not dangerous.  All flu viruses are, especially to those with extenuating conditions. Claims and predictions were outrageous. The longer it went on the more it risked being like the hidden testimony of Adam Schiff’s committee hearings which showed him to be a complete fraud.

The George Floyd tragedy represents just another “opportunity.” I call this “Impeachment 3.0.” To put this into perspective, when was the last time you heard anything about the most dangerous, worst pandemic of all time? There is no cure. There is no vaccine. And, now there is no concern. News organizations have not reported on it for days. In a way that may be convenient for those who misrepresented its dangers and killed the best economy of our lifetime.

George Floyd is now akin to the coronavirus. Both are tragedies and both have been turned into political opportunities by the Democrats. Both are “Hail Mary” passes used only when you have no other alternatives.

The fatal mistake is the coordination of the riots. Centralized management, coordination and cooperation with Democrat governors and mayors was necessary in order to change demonstrations into riots.

The Corruption Is Easy to Find

The irony is special here. What is happening is nothing more than Community Organizing on a multi-state — city basis. Now who do we know that might be a community organizer who might have interest in this? Maybe, maybe not but there is no need to speculate.

The riots are coordinated on at least two levels. First they appear to have a core group of agitators who move from one city to another. These are “professional agitators,” like ANTIFA or Occupy Wall Street. This core requires direction and coordination. Then there are logistics necessary and seen at all the riots. A pallet of bricks is the most obvious. But it is likely that various fire bombs or other “weapons” are commonly used in different sites.

The fatal mistake is the need to coordinate multiple locations, a core of agitators and some amount of logistics. We know that NSA captures every communication in this country and the world and has it stored. All of this is available so long as legal proscriptions are properly dealt with.

Thus, the fatal mistake has already been made. Illegalities have been committed so that laws designed to protect citizen privacy should be neutralized. (That may be one of the reasons Donald Trump requested classifying the rioters as domestic terrorists.)

Based on the prior Administration, warrants apparently are easily faked and obtained. No one should follow that practice, however there is an ample supply of trained, corrupt Justice and FBI officials who are without jobs, should they be necessary. However, legal means to investigate should be relatively easy to obtain.

The fatal mistake, centralized coordination, makes it easy to legally investigate this matter. If this investigation is not pursued, you might as well accept the fact that the Deep State has won again.



1 thought on “Fatal Mistake for Democrats”

  1. ” A pallet of bricks is the most obvious.”
    What!? Does this mean the Brick Fairy doesn’t exist?!?

    Somebody’s got a lotta ex’slainin’ to do….

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