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Turning On Obama — The Democrats Begin To Panic

Two years ago I wrote an article entitled Why the Democratic Party Cannot Survive. It dealt with the make-up of the Democrat Party and its need to win elections by playing Santa Claus. In a world where government resources are exhausted, Santa disappears just as he did with the passage out of childhood (at least for non-Democrats).

In many respects President Obama is merely a sideshow in the inevitable disintegration of the Democrat Party. He just happens to be presiding over the event. That in itself is ironic. Four years ago the party was willing to dump Hillary for the siren-song of a Messiah with no track record and no past other than the carefully-scripted autobiography he had created. Yet Obama is not what is destroying the viability of the Party.

Had there been no Barack Obama the party would have suffered the same fate.  Obama merely accelerated the process. In that sense, America owes President Obama a “thank you” for his arrogant overreach. It was so far outside the traditional American political values and traditions that it awakened a complacent country. Obama threw the electorate into the boiling pot instead of continuing to slowly ratchet up the heat. Hillary would not have been so foolish.

Obama’s performance accelerated the demise of the Party in several ways. Here are a few of them:

  • Ineptness and corruption.
  • Marxism on display.
  • The politicization of the stimulus package.
  • The lack of any economic understanding other than failed Socialist policies.
  • Worsening the economic crisis.
  • Disregard for the Constitution.
  • Failure to pass a budget for three years.

Democrat leadership (an oxymoron?) was exposed. They rubber-stamped whatever Obama chose to do. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are now seen as unprincipled political hacks, willing to do whatever Obama wanted to advance our march to Socialism. Ideology rather than governance was apparent. Politics, not stewardship, dictated every policy action. The ObamaCare bill was passed so that we could learn what was in it. Unfortunately for Pelosi, people did read it and were shocked.

The party was out of touch with much of America.  Governing was virtually non-existent. Energy and strategy were expended solely on the political — how can I be re-elected regardless of the implications for the country or its citizens? The Democrat Party focused on winning elections! The only way they knew to do this was through buying votes. It exists and survives for one simple reason — making dependency more attractive. Democrats have become the party of plunder, taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive in an attempt to buy enough votes to remain relevant.

This strategy worked when government had seemingly unlimited resources to waste on hare-brained programs. Resources are no longer available for squandering on vote-buying or new programs. The time has arrived when this nonsense and profligacy must be reversed. Programs will soon be contracting rather than expanding.  What then can the Party stand for? Will it be enough to promise that we will take away less than the other guys? Can that be a viable strategy? It is not likely.

The Democrat Party is in full panic now. They understand what is coming in November. They went through this two years ago and this election looks like it will be comparable. Obama is a problem, but he is not the problem. That, however, is not what an increasing number of Democrats believe. They believe it is all about Obama. After all, they cannot be the problem. In their minds, everything was going well before Obama. Their dream regarding the Obama presidency has become a nightmare and they are rebelling. Doug Ross cites these signs as examples of  push-back:

• Former Clinton Adviser Lanny Davis Goes Off On Obama Aides: “You Have Vicious People Who Are Working For The President” – “It may be meltdown unless they come to their senses. Why would they want to create enemies, or depict people as enemies: who are their friends?”

• Clinton’s Tax-Cut Position Undercuts Obama Stance – “Former Democratic President Bill Clinton suggested Tuesday that Congress temporarily extend all the Bush-era tax cuts, undercutting President Barack Obama’s position that the rates on upper-income Americans should rise at year’s end.”

• Ed Rendell: Obama ‘hurt by being a legislator only’ before presidency – “Former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell… made his latest swipe at the president Thursday morning in an interview on CBS’s “This Morning.” … Asked by host Charlie Rose whether he thought Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton would have handled the presidency differently from Obama, Rendell responded that he thought Clinton “would’ve come in with a lot more executive experience… I think the president was hurt by being a legislator only.” Rendell said.”

• Bill Clinton On Romney’s Bain Ties: ‘This Is Good Work’ – “During an appearance on CNN on Thursday night, Bill Clinton weighed in on presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s former private equity firm, Bain Capital, which has come under scrutiny in the campaign… “I don’t think we ought to get into a position where we say this is bad work,” Clinton said. “This is good work.” … Clinton characterized Romney’s career as “sterling.””

• Booker’s big mouth ruins relationship with Obama, Cabinet hopes – “Thinking highly of [Newark Mayor Cory] Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes… Booker told a national TV audience the president’s attacks on Mitt Romney’s record at private-equity firm Bain Capital were “nauseating” and made him “very uncomfortable.” … “He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.”

• Deval Patrick, Democratic Governor, Creates Obama Campaign Headache By Defending Bain – “Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick ended up defending Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Thursday during TV appearances in which the Democratic politician was supposed to be serving as a surrogate for President Barack Obama. Patrick… applauded Boston-based Bain Capital, implicitly criticizing the Obama campaign’s attacks on Romney’s record at the private equity firm.”

There is no question that Obama is a major problem. As the election approaches Democrats increasingly realize that he is political poison and a threat to their careers. He has made few friends and has few defenders other than his appointees and Chicago mobster-like allies. While it is easy to blame Obama for what is coming, it would have come eventually. He merely exposed the weakness of the party sooner.

If the Democrats could dump their version of Bozo the Clown, they would. Yet the fundamental flaw in the Democrat’s vote-buying scheme has come to the surface. Dumping Obama would not remedy this eventually losing strategy. It is unlikely most Democrats see this problem. For the moment they are focused on Obama and his increasing liability. Mr. Ross points out the obvious:

Because the Clinton Wing of the Democrat Party is astute enough to know what’s coming. I believe we are watching the first signs of a political tsunami. In state after state, Barack Obama has marshaled only 60% of the vote… as an incumbent president in the Democrat freaking primaries

Can they rid themselves of this albatross? Narcissists generally do not have an “I’m-retiring-to-spend-more-time-with-my-family” moment. Attempts to effect such results might occur although it is doubtful they will become public until years from now. Egos as large as Obama’s don’t accept failure even when everyone else sees it. The world of delusion is not an uncomfortable place when you run the show.

Turning on a fellow Democrat, especially a sitting president, is highly unusual. Perhaps enough of the political class recognize that their survival and the survival of their party is at stake that they will act. Principles generally are sacrificed for survival and that is the drama playing out in this developing drama between Democrats and their president. It is likely that time is too short (and his ego to large) to effect the change necessary for the good of the party (and the country).

Obama will not be re-elected because too many people now know him. As expressed by Ed Driscoll:

… with the New President Smell having long since evaporated, and the expectations continuing to diminish amongst Obama’s core supporters, that seems much more difficult this time around, particularly when we’re seeing headlines such as this, from CBS’s DC outlet: “Liberals Threaten Not To Vote In November Over Disappointment With Obama.”

The death of the Democrat Party is the likely meme that will be spun after the November results. One may only hope for such a repudiation that even supporters in the media have such a reaction. While in a hoping mode, one might imagine that the election after that prompts a meme regarding the death of politics. Government needs to be seen as the criminal scam that it has become and that is true regardless of which party is in charge.

Government needs to be put back into its Constitutional box. It must be caged within the original confines of the Constitution. All of the vote-buying and pandering must stop. The only way to stop it is to adhere to the principles of the Constitution as intended by the Founders.

3 thoughts on “Turning On Obama — The Democrats Begin To Panic”

  1. Pingback: Gaffes … Oh My « Pecante

  2. Pingback: Turning On Obama — The Democrats Begin To Panic « Silver For The People – The Blog

  3. The final paragraph says it all. Unfortunately, just as dumping bho will not change the spots on the democrat leopard, electing Romney and more Republican legislators will do nothing to restore our Republic. We have not followed the Founders’ advice and applied the Constitution as it was written and ratified. So if our Federal government today could to be judged by the original standards, all three branches would be exposed as illegitimate. The future of Liberty in America desperately needs Patriot Statesmen but all we have to choose from are different shades of politicians. A pox on them all.

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