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Coming to A Neighborhood Near You?

The horrors of a government in the process of being toppled are captured in this video from Egypt:

Egypt is not a country noted for freedom. Nor was the Soviet Union or its various satellites. Eventually peoples overthrow what is considered oppressive government in an attempt to obtain freedom. This song by the Rascals (h/t Daily Bail) captures this natural human yearning.

The US, unlike much of the rest of the world, has freedom imbued in its genetic makeup. This country was founded on the principle or freedom — maximum freedom. One wonders how long freedom can continue to be taken from the people here before we begin to look like Egypt.

As discussed here in several posts, I do not think there is a political solution to our economic problems and that an economic collapse is likely. If (when?) that happens, the first video could resemble a neighborhood near any of us.