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Returning to the Basics

How do we solve our immense problem?

No, not the economic problem, THE GOVERNMENT PROBLEM. Solve the government problem properly and there will be no more economic crises. NONE! PERIOD!

Ron Holland defines part of the problem thusly:

The Washington federal government can never pay off the massive $100 trillion plus national debt and unfunded liabilities the politicians of both parties have placed on this and future generations. Contrary to what the monetary and media elites claim, very little of this debt has gone to benefit productive citizens in the private sector. Sadly the fruits of our productive labors and entrepreneurship have been stolen by high taxes to build voting constituencies of parasitic tax-feeding bureaucrats and others who seldom deliver needed government programs and services.

Rather their useless paper pushing and hundreds of thousands of forms, rules and regulations actually have strangled the US economy with make-work government employment. After funding the necessary voting groups to support the vested interests of both political parties, the difference between revenue and expenses are borrowed. This tremendous debt load has been used to benefit and generate profits and increase market share for favored industries, unions and squandered in military aggression to benefit the Anglo-American interests and cartels fronting for a few wealthy families and banking elites.

In many instances, state and local municipalities have followed the same corrupt path to debt destruction and bankruptcy with even more immediate negative results as they are unable to createfiat currency as does the Washington federal government. In future years as the greatest and longest recession/depression in American history continues, these bankrupt state and local governments along with their bloated tax-feeding bureaucracies will be increasingly bailed out and funded by the federal government thus dramatically increasing the federal debt levels.

In conclusion, the Washington national debt and future unfunded liabilities have been created to support favored industries which will in the coming years be bailed out and survive only by federal life support with our wealth just like Wall Street, the bankers and the automobile industry and unions have been subsidized with the bailouts to date. In other words, Wall Street and the banking elites together with their dollar-destroying and debt-addicted buddies at the Federal Reserve along with less than useless government bureaucracies have destroyed the economic future of our nation.

Mr. Holland inquires whether this scenario would be attractive to you:

How would you like to begin a peaceful, legitimate political action which could roll back the last 100 years of government growth and national debt along with the hated federal income tax and the Fed? What if you could force Washington to return to a strong dollar policy and allow real currency competition to escape the near total destruction of the dollar now worth only 5 cents of the 1913 dollar? Imagine a future when the President would be forced to seek a Declaration of War and get the states and citizens behind any new military incursion, invasion or bombing?

Of course, most of us would jump at the chance to regain such a world. But the devil may be in the details. To learn more about how Mr. Holland proposes to achieve his return to sanity, read his article at The Daily Bell and make your own determination whether this is possible or desirable.